Friday, June 1, 2012

Dessert with My Men

So I found this recipe, can't find the blog it was originally from.. But if I do I'll let you know! It is amazing, and we used coconut milk and didn't add sugar, and Viola! paleo dessert.
Have to admit.. We DID add dark chocolate chips to ours.

Ok.. On with the recipe. I've made this with both regular old cows milk and with almond milk, and it turned out great all ways!

First, mix your ingredients in a quart or gallon sized bag..

Coconut Milk(one can)
2 tsp of Vanilla Extract

Then get yourself a gallon sized bag filled about a third with ice. Then add salt. The original recipe called for ice-cream salt but we have been using table salt and it works great.
Alrighty, then add the smaller bag full of goodness in the ice bag and shake, for ten minutes. Yup. Workout while you make ice-cream.

Hints: With coconut milk, if you put the can in freezer for an hour first, it becomes ice-cream in about four minutes. And.. Shake over the sink. The bags sweat and drip. But soo with it. Oh, and wear oven mits. :)

Then add any fixings you wish!

Maybe add pineapple(was so good) or coconut shavings. Or add some Chai Tea to some Almond Milk and some cinnamon.. Mmm.

And remember to eat it ASAP cause it will turn to ice if you put it back in the freezer.

Good luck and happy ice-cream making!!

P.S. This Forged Mommy is stepping it up this month! Back on the clean-eating and exercise band wagon. Wish me luck!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Keep Calm and Carry On

I really do love that saying, so fitting for .. oh, I don't know - every single day as a new mom.
Now that my son is almost six months and does not nap as often, I have to admit .. my house is feeling a little on the un-kept side. Anyone else feel like that?

I understand I need readers to ask questions .. but that's okay! If you build it, they will come!! (yes, too many quotes and over-usage on the exclamation points.)

Here are some tips I found helpful on keeping your house clean when you have little time. Enjoy!


1. Set a timer for ten minutes and everyone in the house work until the timer goes off. If your task is completed with time to spare, do not be afraid to start another - it's okay if only the garbage gets taken out in the bathroom for the day. You'll feel better about the space next time you walk in I'll guarantee it!

2. Fold the laundry as it comes out of the dryer!! (my biggest fault when it comes to housekeeping..)

3. Empty the dishwasher soon as it is done running, or soon as you have a free minute. Your facebook status really can wait until it's done.

4. Clean your fridge out once every two weeks, at least! There is nothing that makes a house more stuffy and uncomfortable than a nasty stink that you can't find..

5. Nice baskets, especially those with lids or that turn into a table or seat; are amazing in the living room. Toys, blankets, remotes.. toss them in! Your living room will look presentable before your unexpected guests can walk from their car to your door. (love these!)

6. Breathe! Remember it's probably not even close to as bad as you think. And, everyone has one or two noideawhattodowithitbutcantthrowitawayjunk-drawers.. no shame!

God Bless and happy house keeping!!

p.s. If you can multitask a glass of wine in one hand while vacuuming with the other, all the power to you!!